Proudly Serving The Greater Saint John Area

Ho-Ho-Holiday Gift-Wrapping Tips

With Christmas just under 3 weeks away, lets talk a little bit about gift-wrapping ergonomics
shall we?!

‘Tis the Season for back and neck pain associated with wrapping presents. Sitting on the floor for long periods

Here are a few tips to help you wrap presents in a way that wont strain your spine/hips or leave you in pain this Holiday season:

  1. First and foremost, avoid sitting on the floor. Instead, use a table or counter that is at waist
    level, or the dining room table with a supportive chair. This ensures a more proper posture and
    encourages you to use your arms, rather than your back.
  2. Standing is also a good option. If you are going to stand, wear supportive footwear or stand
    on a memory foam mat.
  3. Create a gift wrapping station. Keep wrapping paper, scissors, tape, and any other materials you may need (and your favourite drink) at arm’s length. This will prevent reaching and over-
  4. Wrap in shorter sessions! Don’t wait until December 23rd to wrap all your presents at once. Wrap a few presents at a time over the course of a few days/weeks.
  5. Use gift bags – Wrapped gifts are beautiful, but you can also skip the strain of wrapping altogether and buy festive gift bags to use instead. And, it’s so much quicker.
  6. Don’t forget to stretch. Loosen up those muscles and joints before you start wrapping. Also, take breaks to stretch and stand etc. This will help minimize pain.
  7. If you have to lift a heavier or awkward sized gift, make sure to lift with your knees and not with your back. Never be afraid to ask for help!

It is so important to incorporate good ergonomics when wrapping gifts. Your body is already under enough stress during this busy time of year. Follow these tips above and I’m sure your body will thank you!

Happy wrapping!

water toner chiro

Hydration: Are You Drinking Enough Water?

At least a couple of times a week, I am asked how much water consumption is recommended on a daily basis.  As the hot summer months are now in full swing, I thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to highlight the importance of water in this next blog post.


Water is essential for ALL bodily functions.  Drinking water isn’t just about staying hydrated, but it’s also essential for metabolism, preventing fatigue, supporting liver detoxification, overall cellular health, organ function, and much more. The long and short of it all is, proper water intake is SO crucial. The body is composed of roughly 70% water and even more in the brain at 85%. Decreased water consumption can lead to sluggish mental and physical function with possible headache symptoms like dizziness or fatigue.  Also, from a chiropractic standpoint, the connective tissues and vertebral discs in your spine are directly affected by how much water you drink on a daily basis.


A very common misconception and myth is that taking in fluids like coffee and sugary drinks like sweet tea and sodas will help with your body’s water level but it actually leads to further dehydration and you must replace the intake of these types of fluids with even more water.


How Much Water Is Enough Water?


In order to maintain proper body hydration, you ideally want to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water a day (So X = 0.5 multiplied by your body weight in pounds). So, a 150-pound person should be drinking 75 ounces of water per day – * Note: This should be the minimum amount of water you consume daily – more IS better!  And, if you exercise daily, you should drink even more water to replace the water you lost via sweating.  Bottoms up!


Benefits of Staying Hydrated


Drinking water wakes up your metabolism – Cold water stimulates thermogenesis which means you burn more calories! Cool, eh?


Drinking water Improves muscle tone – If you’re dehydrated you won’t see the beautiful tone in your muscles from all the hard work you put in at the gym.


Drinking water Improves digestion and relieves constipation – We need lots of fluids for our digestive system to function well. A lack of water means a big bloated tummy! Also, without water, we couldn’t eliminate waste and other toxins in our bowels.  Drinking water also supports detoxification and will flush those toxins from your liver and kidneys.


Drinking water prevents fatigue – If you’re tired, reach for a tall glass of water instead of a cup of coffee. It will turn on those brain cells by allowing more oxygen to get to your brain.


Drinking water Improves joint health and helps with pain relief – Water helps to lubricate your joints and reduce inflammation.


Drinking water helps with weight loss – As one of the greatest tools for weight loss, drinking water helps replace high calorie drinks, acts as an appetite suppressant, and helps flush our bodies of unwanted toxins.


Drinking water helps with heart health – Enough said.


Drinking water helps boost energy – Being dehydrated can make you feel tired and cause muscle weakness.


Drinking water helps prevent and cure headaches – Dehydration is one of the most common causes of headaches.


Drinking water prompts better exercise – being dehydrated can really slow you down and make you feel lazy.  Exercising requires additional water, so always remember to hydrate before, during and after exercise.


Am I Drinking Enough Water?

A simple way to check to see if you’re drinking enough water is to check your urine!  Your urine should not appear dark and concentrated!  A few other signs of dehydration include fatigue, anxiety, chronic headaches or achiness, dizziness, constipation, and dry lips/mouth.

If increasing your water intake seems like a daunting task or you fear you’ll be running to the washroom every 30 minutes – don’t worry! Your body will adjust to the increased fluid intake within a week or so and you’ll be glad you did.  Carrying a water bottle with you at work, home or running errands is an easy way to increase your water consumption without much effort.  On top of that, if you have hunger pangs, it’s a good chance you’re not only hungry, but thirsty, too!


Making Water Fun

There are a couple neat smart phone apps you can download to help keep you on track ensure you are drinking enough water throughout the day – The one I recommend is called “Waterlogged”.  To make drinking water a bit less boring and bland, you can also try adding some pink Himalayan salt and lemon to your water.  Or, cucumber slices, lime, frozen berries, or melon can be fun too!

Clearly, water serves many important functions that go beyond hydration. In fact, dehydration is probably one of the most common secondary problems I tend to see with my patients.

toner chiro adjustment

Why You Should See A Chiropractor?

This is a great article posted by the New Brunswick Chiropractic Association regarding why you should see a chiropractor. Although chiropractors do specialize in treating neck and back pain, we are also trained in treating athletic injuries from head to toe as well as preventative therapy to help keep you at the top of your game.

If you have any questions, give us a call today at 214-9355. 

Toner Chiro run


Spring is a time when an increased number of runners hit the roads. The temperatures begin to rise, daylight hangs around a little longer into the evening, and the sidewalks and roads become less treacherous!   Spring is also, not surprisingly, a time when we often see our patients present to the clinic with running-related injuries.  There is no one reason why running may result in injury and leave you side-lined, but there is a consistent correlation of factors that we see repeatedly. These factors include muscle weakness or imbalances, inadequate flexibility, training errors, poor or incorrect running shoes, and abnormal biomechanics and movement patterns.  If you are a runner and planning to ramp up your mileage in the coming weeks, this is a blog for you!


Below are some key tips to help you have a successful running season:   


  • The most common cause of running injuries is doing too much, too soon, and too fast – Follow the 10% rule: build your weekly distance by no more than 10% per week (5% is also adequate)


  • Utilize dynamic (active) warm up and cool downs to prepare and recover the body


  • Change directions on banked roads or tracks to prevent overuse of the same part of the body


  • Listen to your body! Persistent pain is a warning sign! If left ignored, you will change your gait to adapt to the pain which may result in further injury


  • Use the RICE principal when experiencing pain or discomfort (Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate)


  • Cross train to improve muscle balance and overall endurance (swimming, biking, weight and interval training – HIIT30 KV is my recommendation - ). Building up the strength in your pelvic, core and leg musculature helps protect the body from injury


  • Stretching should be a part of your everyday routine, not just before or after activity. Stretch all the way down the leg to the bottom of your foot. Roll out your plantar fasciae on a tennis ball or frozen water bottle if experiencing discomfort in the bottom of your foot or heel


  • Wear good shoes and replace them regularly. In extreme cases of over pronation or supination, you may need to seek professional help to have your gait analyzed for assistive devices such as orthotics and choosing the right shoe


  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after you run


  • Lastly, if injuries do arise, seek out help from a chiropractor like myself. Chiropractic can help with increased range of motion, provide decreased healing time from nagging injuries, and help minimize the instances and overall recurrence of becoming injured.  Helping you stay healthy and active is our number one priority! 
Side-atica toner chiro

Side-atica … Not to be confused with Sciatica

Do you experience pain in your hip or buttocks that travels down the side of your leg? So often in the clinic, I have patients come in with this type of pain presentation, and somewhere on the intake form or during initial conversation, the word “sciatica” pops up.  “Oh Doc, my sciatic nerve is flared up again” or “I have sciatica”.  Although this may be true for some patients, this is a very common misconception for many people experiencing similar pain.  Interestingly enough, just because pain is travelling down a leg, it isn’t necessarily originating from your sciatic nerve. 


This, my friends, is great news!          


Sciatica is often labeled and diagnosed in anyone who has pain in the buttocks that travels into the leg.  Classic sciatica stems from a problem in the lower back and spine that compresses the nerve roots of the sciatic nerve.  This causes pain that shoots down the leg in a very sharp and intense pattern (numbness and tingling is sometimes also present).   Herniated discs, advanced arthritis, and the piriformis muscle can all cause classic sciatica.   There are other structures, however, that can also mimic sciatica and cause similar pain in the buttocks/hip and down the thigh and leg. Two of the most common culprits are the Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint) and the Gluteus Minimus muscle.  This blog highlights the latter … the pesky muscle. If the gluteus minimus is responsible for causing the pain, it is instead termed “side-atica”. 


So, I may not have “sciatica” you ask?


That’s correct!  The gluteus minimus muscle, a small muscle on the outside of your hip that is buried by the larger brotherly gluteus medius muscle, may be causing your “sciatica” type symptoms. This muscle is responsible for pelvic stability as well as ensuring other proper hip motion.  Overuse, muscle weakness/imbalances, or poor pelvic stability can lead to trigger points, also known as “knots” in the gluteus minimus muscle. This can lead to referred pain into the hip, buttock, thigh and even into the lower leg.


Properly diagnosing “side-atica” is a key component to ensuring a full recovery!  On examination, the muscle is often found to be weak, pain is described as dull and overall poorly localized, and palpation of the muscle itself is normally quite uncomfortable and may exacerbate the symptoms down the side of your leg. 


The good news? Side-atica normally responds much quicker to therapy than classic full-blown sciatica.  Treatment in the clinic for this condition involves a combination of soft tissue therapy (trigger point therapy), acupuncture, spinal adjustments, and some simple homework consisting of muscle stretching and strengthening exercises. 


Do yourself a favor!  Don’t let such a small muscle become such a large pain in your bum!  Call the clinic today!! 


The Great Debate: Ice Vs. Heat

One of the best and easiest self-treatments you can do for yourself at home when dealing with pain or an injury is to apply ice or heat to the area.  Although this may sound simple, therapeutic icing and heating — cryotherapy and thermotherapy — remains quite confusing for patients and even controversial in the scientific literature.  My goal for you in this blog is to help clarify the issue and provide you with some simple guidelines.  Let’s break things down.


So! Ice or Heat?


Ice for the most part, is for injuries. Cold helps to calm down acutely damaged tissues that are inflamed, red, hot and swollen. The inflammatory process is a healthy and normal process that also happens to be sometimes incredibly painful.  You can consider icing to be a mild, drugless way of dulling the pain of inflammation that helps reduce swelling. In essence, ice helps constrict the blood vessels and helps numb your pain.  Ice can be applied using a dry or damp towel to help protect the skin. Use cold gel packs, ice cubes in a ziploc bag, or even a bag of frozen peas.  Ice for 15 to 20 minutes.


Heat is for muscle tension/spasms, joint stiffness, chronic pain, and stress.  Heat helps take the edge off symptoms like muscle aches and stiffness. Chronic pain, especially back pain, often involves a lot of tension and anxiety, and comfortable heat can help soothe a worried mind and nervous system.  Applying heat increases blood flow and helps relax the nervous system and problem area.  Heat can also be used before exercising to help loosen up tight muscles. To apply heat, use a heating pad, a hot wet towel or warm shower.  Heat for 15 to 20 minutes.


A note of caution! If there is inflammation in the area, heat can temporarily make the area significantly worse. On the flip side, ice can also alternatively aggravate symptoms of tightness and stiffness – as seen in sore muscles or trigger points.  Now, in the case of an acute muscle tear or strain, the rule of thumb is to ice first for a few days, (to get the inflammation down) then switch to heat.  In the case of arthritic pain, unless a joint is severely inflamed (in which case you should use ice), feel free to experiment with both and figure out what makes you feel better.  Alternating between applications of ice and heat is also an option and some patients find that helpful in facilitating injury recovery and alleviating their pain.


At the end of the day, it is important to use whatever feels best to you! If you get goosebumps at the thought of applying ice to an injury in the dead of winter, be my guest and try using heat instead.  As long as your injury isn’t brand new or in a state of mass inflammation, feel free to experiment with both ice and heat. 


Toner Chiro Accupuncture

Contemporary Medical Acupuncture: Complementary Therapy to Chiropractic Care

One of the therapies Dr. Toner uses on a regular basis with her patients is Contemporary Medical Acupuncture.  It has been proven from both research and clinical practice to very favorably complement the manual adjustments and other techniques performed by chiropractors.  Once introduced to a patient, they often learn to love it.  Acupuncture WORKS and it works WONDERS!  Let’s learn a bit about it!       


Acupuncture is used to stimulate peripheral nerves in order to modulate pain and/or other dysfunctions of the nervous system.  Clinically, it is very successful in decreasing inflammation as well as ongoing muscle spasms/stiffness.  Dr. Toner often implements acupuncture into a treatment plan to help her patients experience reduced pain, a faster recovery from injury, encourage natural and drug-free healing, and an improved overall function of the injured tissues.  In fact, acupuncture is one of the safest therapies out there!  Truth.


Acupuncture involves the insertion of a thin acupuncture needle at specific points on the body to achieve a therapeutic effect. No drug is injected. The needles alone create the beneficial effects of acupuncture.  Most patients are often surprised at how “pain-free” their acupuncture experience is.  On top of this, many also report a calming/relaxation effect and improved sleep as an added bonus!   In some cases, electro-acupuncture is used. Needles are electrically stimulated by various frequencies and voltages by attachment to a battery-powered machine using wires with small clips on the ends (similar to a TENS machine). Electro-acupuncture helps to enhance the effects of acupuncture on the healing body and nervous system. 


Now, who can benefit?  Acupuncture can help with most, if not all, musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. Some examples include neck and back pain, muscle strains and joint sprains, stress/tension and overuse syndromes, tendinopathies, bursitis, nerve pain/sciatica, arthritis … and the list goes on and on. 


Thinking of giving it a try? Contact the clinic today!!  Dr. Toner is also always happy to answer any questions you may have via phone or email!   As the New Year is now upon us, there is no greater time to get back to a pain-free life doing the things you love most!

tonerchiro shovel back

Shovel Light and Shovel Right:

Shoveling Snow May Be Inevitable, But Hurting Your Back Is Not


With the winter season right around the corner and our first snowfall behind us, I thought it would be a good time to share some safe shoveling tips with everyone. Shoveling, especially in Canada, can involve a lot of repetitive lifting/pushing, and if not careful, can be a real pain in more ways than one.  Here we go!


Warm Up!

Something as simple as a quick walk around the block can prepare your body for the task at hand.  Cold and tight muscles are more likely to become strained than warm, relaxed muscles.

Don’t Let Snow Pile Up

Frequent shoveling will prevent you from having to move a large mound of snow all at once – especially if the forecast calls for several days of snow. 

Choose a Snow Shovel That Is Right For You!

Use a lightweight pusher-type shovel – plastic is best.  A shovel with a curved handle enables you to keep your back straighter.  Make sure the shovel isn’t too short either – this will prevent excess bending.

Push! Don’t Throw!

Pushing the snow to the side rather than throwing it avoids having to lift heavy loads and places far less strain on your spine.  Never twist or turn too quickly or throw snow over your shoulder!  Doing this repetitively would be a great recipe for injury.   

Pick Ergonomic Hand Placements

By creating a healthy distance (at least a foot) between each hand when gripping the shovel, you increase your leverage and reduce strain on your body.

Bend Your Knees

If you need to lift shovelfuls of snow, bend your knees and let your arms and legs do the work.  Always try to keep your back straight!  Also keep in mind that wet snow is much, much heavier! 

Take Breaks and Take It Slow

If you feel tired, take a break!  Stretch it out and grab a drink of water (or hot chocolate) to stay hydrated!   There’s no first-place prize for finishing ahead of your neighbour. If you experience pain of any kind, stop immediately.

Wear Layers

If you’ve ever shoveled snow before, you’ll know that you can get warm quite quickly.  Maximize comfort and remove a layer to adapt to changing temperatures.

Cool Down

Take a few minutes at the end to stretch out sore muscles.

Consider buying a snow blower

Investing in a snow blower is investing in your back. 

Think Of Your Neighbours

Be thankful you’re ABLE to shovel snow!  If you have a couple of extra minutes, consider helping out an elderly or disabled neighbour who is less able-bodied than yourself.  It will do a world of good!

Happy Shoveling and Happy Holidays from our family to yours!


Staying Healthy This Holiday Season

Here we go again! The holiday season is upon us, the spirits are high, and the extra calories and festive temptations are knocking at our door.  During this time of year, a lot of people struggle with staying on track – myself included.  This is why I chose my next blog topic to be about staying healthy during the holidays.  I believe a healthy balance exists between thoughtful decision making and rewarding oneself. If done correctly, we have the opportunity to proudly welcome 2018 in complete control of our health!  Here’s a few tips to help you do just that:

Create a plan!

Create a daily plan and make time for YOU.


Be Optimistic!

While working to complete your plan and reach your goals, it’s important to keep an optimistic mindset. If you miss a workout or if you eat too much one day, it isn’t the end of your journey. Show yourself some gratitude. Get back on track tomorrow!


Meal Prep

Have healthy foods available to you at all times.  Plan healthy meals for the week and carry this through to the new year.  Being prepared ensures success for healthy eating.


Everything in moderation

Eating healthy throughout the holidays is great, but that doesn’t mean you have to avoid every treat in sight.  Try using the 90/10 rule (or even 80/20) – Stay on track for the majority of your day! Try Aunt Marg’s cookies, but don’t eat 10 of them.  And instead of sampling everything at the party, just enjoy your favourites.    


Bring something healthy to share at a party

This will ensure that you have at least one healthy dish to eat or snack on while enjoying the festivities with your friends or family.  They may even appreciate it, too!  


Avoid the sugary drinks

Don’t get me wrong, candy-cane hot-chocolates and egg-nog lattes ARE delicious, but are full of empty calories, preservatives, and SUGAR.  Try sticking to regular coffee or tea if you need a caffeine fix.  


Drink Up!

Sometimes we confuse thirst with hunger.  Try drinking 2-3L a day – this will keep you well hydrated and the health benefits are awesome.  Also, enjoy alcoholic beverages in moderation.  These, too have many hidden and unwanted calories.  Red wine is your best option if you choose to indulge! 


Schedule time in your day for exercise

Get outside and enjoy some fresh air, take the stairs, go for a walk, or if you are a regular gym goer, schedule time in your day to make sure you get there and get it done – even if you only have 15-20 minutes.  Your health is the most important thing you have.  Working out isn’t just for burning calories! It also relieves stress, releases happy endorphins, and promotes better sleep. Do it for your sanity this holiday season.


Organize family/friend time around activities other than meals

Don’t center everything around indulging in food and drink.  Get out for a hike or snowshoe, schedule a games night, or go see a show!  


Sleep is a gift

Sleep is crucial for our bodies!  Getting 7-8 hours of sleep will benefit your overall health, mood, immune system, memory, weight control, lower your risk of injury, and clear your thinking throughout the day. 


Set aside time to de-stress and disconnect

Burnouts are very common towards the end of the year!  Make sure to take time for YOU.  Put your feet up, find a good book, and RELAX.  Also, find time to disconnect from the world.  Put away that ipad, phone, and email inbox. Instead, practice Yoga or Meditate!  You’ve worked hard all year and deserve a break.   


Get Adjusted

Putting up the holiday lights, wrapping presents for hours, or last-minute shopping can leave us stressed out and achy all over.  Listen to your body!  Chiropractic has been shown to help with reducing stress and alleviating the pain associated with it. Get in and get adjusted!    


Find someone to hold you accountable

Whether it be your spouse, best friend, or colleague, find someone to push you through the holidays!  Tackling the Christmas season with someone by your side ensures a much higher chance of staying on track. 


Start resolutions NOW

Utilizing the holidays to limit health damage as well as prevent a downward slide is a great way to welcome in the New Year and will put you ahead of the game!


Healthy habits are a lifestyle, and if you can even follow half of these tips into the holiday season, you will be well on your way to a healthy and happy New Year.   Happy Holidays from my family to yours! 
